Basketball Team Meets
Congressman Rush Holt Before Game at Verizon Center
Windsor, N.J. -- The MCCC men's basketball team, under Head
Coach Howard Levy, traveled to Washington, D.C., on Dec. 17
to play Frederick (Md.) Community
College at the Verizon Center, the city's
major venue for indoor professional sports. The game preceded
a Georgetown University game, which uses the Verizon Center
as its home court.
to Coach Levy, the game came about through his friendship
with Georgetown Coach John Thompson III. (The Vikings also
played Frederick CC two years ago at the Verizon Center.)
Levy reports
that his players were very excited to play in an NBA arena.
They also enjoyed VIP treatment during a tour of the facility
with the assistant general manager of the Wizards and had
an opportunity to speak with Coach Thompson and his father.
my perspective, having prominent people in sports speak to
the kids about what it takes to succeed in basketball and
in life is a tremendous benefit," Levy said.
Congressman Rush Holt, center, took a break from his schedule
to meet members of the MCCC men's basketball team Dec. 17.
MCCC Head Coach Howard Levy is pictured, far back on the right.
in the day, the team did a little touring around town to give
players a taste of government and history, including a visit
to the Capitol building arranged through staffers from New Jersey
Congressman Rush Holt's office. The tour concluded with a visit
to Congressman Holt's office. |
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